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Fue una gran experiencia haber tomado el curso. La sensación es que a lo largo de las distintas sesiones se va pintando una pintura, que a medida que avanza va ganando en nitidez y perfección, donde cada trazo tiene el sentido y la tonalidad justa y necesaria.
Marrtin Poncio , Buenos Aires
PAC Academy
Me parecio un curso fantastico donde uno puede ir descubriendo semana a semana distintos conocimientos, técnicas y experiencias que te ayudan a ver esta labor de una forma más amplia.
Luis Alfredo Martel Olmedo , Santiago
PAC Academy
Espectacular!!! Como de costumbre, lleno de excelentes enseñanzas. Muchas gracias. ;)
Rogger Bravo , Santiago
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)
Ha sido una experiencia enriquecedora, donde la mente se abre a nuevos conceptos y además entras en sintonismo con la agilidad y su liderazgo.
Carolina Ibarra , santiago
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)
Aprendi muchos nuevos conceptos y herramientas para aplicar en la transformacion organizacional que estamos emprendiendo.
Francsico Vilanova
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)
Play my video :)
José Augusto Chavez Taffur
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Excelente curso, aprendí técnicas de liderazgo que de seguro me servirán para seguir llevando adelante la transformación de la organización y evolucionar la cultura de la misma. Muchas gracias!!!
Jorge Rivera
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)
Excelente curso, cambia la perspectiva de como vemos a las organizaciones y a las personas en si, da herramientas fundamentales para poder generar cambios estructurales a nivel transversal en una organización y deja muy claro el rol crucial que tiene un lider dentro de una organización, y como este puede generar un impacto positivo o negativo, y como este puede ayudarle a evolucionar
Juan P. Carranza
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)
Excelente curso, me hizo ver el tipo de organizaciones y el tipo de líder que soy, así de esta manera poder potenciarme en organizaciones que tengan mi estilo de liderazgo y a la vez poder crear algún tipo de cambio en las que no, potenciando mis fortalezas.
Gabriela Bazzano , Montevideo
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)
Realmente sorprendente. Se cosechan muchisimos conocimientos y la forma en que está diseñado para interactuar con los participantes es espectacular.... muy muy recomendable.
Darío Grasso
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)
Fue una experiencia distintas , me dio una visión integral de las distintas culturas en las empresas , me llevo herramientas para poner en practicas en lo inmediato, y una visión distintas de como organizarse y llevar proyectos ágiles, excelente haber compartido con profesionales de otras industrias e intercambiar experiencias.
Fabian Romero
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)
Las "industrias del conocimiento" son una idea amplia, un tanto vaga, llega de posibilidades. Es posible que usted tenga una idea que represente su propósito superior y para sacarla adelante hay una brújula que apunta al lugar acertado: eso es el Takeoff Experience, la herramienta para el siguiente paso.
Juan Daza Arévalo
Takeoff Experience
Tremendamente útil para adaptarse a la nueva realidad dónde la facilitación en remoto va a ser más frecuente.
Antonio Lorente Redondo
Remote Scrum Master
Si creés que venís a aprender cómo emprender, lo que más vas a aprender es de vos. Quién sos, qué quieres, para qué lo quieres, qué tienes para dar y si estás preparado para emprender. Todo esto que mencioné, no lo dice en ninguna parte del Takeoff Experience, pero créeme que con el que más te vas a ver es con todas esas zonas desconocidas tuyas que te van a sacar, mejor dicho, te van a expulsar de tu zona de confort. Es un camino que no hay forma de describirlo hasta que lo realices y te puedo asegurar que no te vas a arrepentir.
Gustavo Gariboldi
Takeoff Experience
Excellent use of Zoom. This virtual course was able to achieve a dynamic that was very close to an in-person course. It was a truly great experience.
michael scranton
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Play my video :)
Florencia Pavese , Buenos Aires
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Ya comprobé que siguiendo estos pasos llenas vacíos en tu emprendimiento y lo haces mucho mas claro de para ti mismo y para otros. Gracias!!
Claudia Toscano Vargas , Medellin
The Online Trainer Bootcamp
Excellent course! It was very well facilitated and very collaborative. Thanks, Martín for helping us think, ask questions, and improve. I highly recommend it!
Matias Moine , Rosario
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Martín approaches teaching skillfully, it is entertaining and simple but incremental which makes it possible for you to incorporate concepts effortlessly. I highly recommend this experience.
Svetlana Lovcovs
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-E/T)
Excellent course! It was very practical and focused on the key concepts! I 100% recommend it!
Ariel Loscerbo
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Play my video :)
Celeste Alasino , Cordoba
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
The course was extremely comprehensive in terms of content and it was very interactive, which is a challenge considering the new online modality. I recommend it 100%!
Paula Correale
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
This course was very complete. The information was interesting and added more to my toolbox. I recommend doing it to gain leadership and team tools.
Carolina Pérez
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-E/T)
I managed to acquire new knowledge and demystify attitudes that I believed were ideal. The course had a very strong hands-on approach, which allows you to leave with established tools and concepts in a short period of time. I definitely recommend it!
Martin Andres Ramirez , Buenos Aires
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
En verdad fue una experiencia a otro nivel, me encontré con un contenido que me describía casi a pulso y me retó constantemente a mejorar y desarrollar de manera precisa y clara todo lo que quería con mi proyecto personal y profesional. La claridad con que está desarrollado el contenido y la forma en que logra conectarte es increíble, algo que en verdad lo convierte en una experiencia de muy alto nivel y a su vez refuerza tu relación y compromiso con tus proyecto.
David Vanegas Navales , Medellín
Takeoff Experience
It was personally fulfilling the way that each concept was approached going from theory to hands-on exercises. Each course I have taken with Martin, I am left with a lot of homework and always wanting to learn more!!
Carla Fabregas
Certified Agile Leadership for Organizations (CAL-O)
This course is very good! The concepts were clearly explained. Above all, I liked the dynamics and the exercises, where everyone was able to give their opinion and participants share their points of view, which made the experience extremely enriching.
Carlos Contreras Riquelme
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-E/T)
Great course !!! You acquire new concepts that are the basis for transformation and keys to take your organization into the world of Agility.
Fernando Alayo Vásquez , Lima
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-E/T)
Excellent presentation by Martín, clear on the contents and good group management. The proposed activities were 100% clear and useful. I loved having studied with Martín and the rest of the group. Thanks!
Facundo Rodrigo Alaimo
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Very well adapted to the new virtual modality and constantly keeping the focus on practical tools and exercises. I take with me many new tools to use. Thanks!
Abigail Kelly
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Very compelling course.
Matias Autalan
Scrum Foundations
This course was an excellent opportunity to understand the vision of the PO and what its responsibilities are. In addition, we carried out a totally hands-on Product Discovery tour! Thanks!
Julio Cesar Allasia , Mar del Plata
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
It was a course filled with valuable information, a lot of challenges, and great learnings. The dynamics with the whole group and with Martín were very good.
Vanessa Marchena , Mexico
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
An excellent course that completely changes your vision and immerses you in the world of SCRUM in the most dynamic and entertaining way. I recommend it for anyone who wants to start this new profession or to add more knowledge and tools :) Thank you Martin for contributing so much!!
Carla Spinella , Houston
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
It really is a transformative experience. Congratulations Martín and his team of Coaches! One is a person at the beginning of the course and another totally different one at the end of it. Thank you very much for allowing me to experience this.
Julián Alvarez , Buenos Aires
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
The Certified Scrum Master course was very good. Even if you have practical experience with Scrum, this course complements the knowledge in several important aspects of the framework. This course also clearly explains when to apply or not apply Scrum. I recommend it.
Andrés Castañeda , Quito
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
The course was clear and to the point! I really enjoyed it and it will definitely help me both professionally and personally. Thank you!
veronica virgona , Clorinda
PAC Academy
I really enjoyed this course. Thank you for sharing all the Scrum basics. They are extremely useful for anyone seeking to educate their teams on how to adapt to changing environments.
jessica lorena martinez guanga
Scrum Foundations
Play my video :)
Pablo Ignacio Burgos
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Excellent course, far from the typical theory course with PowerPoint slides. It exceeded my expectations. It was very practical, to the point, and well structured. I highly recommend it!
Miguel Contreras
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Excellent program! What stands out is the fact that everything learned is put into practice, but above all, I want to commend the contributions the coaches gave us that added an incalculable value to learning. A great experience!
D. Rodrigo Zottola Pareja , San Miguel De Tucuman (Est. Tucuman)
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
Very enriching course! A great contribution to the broader systemic vision of an organization and how to apply these concepts to take your organization into the world of agility. I highly recommend it for leaders and companies in transition.
Michele Poulangeon , Santiago
Certified Agile Leadership for Organizations (CAL-O)
This course explains the basic Scrum fundamentals in a very engaging way.
Mariano Reperger
Scrum Foundations
Excellent learning methodology. It's a great course especially when you don't know much about Scrum.
Angie Milena Avellaneda Mejía
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Without a doubt, I take with me much more than a certification.
Javier Valenzuela Ortiz
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Thank you, Martín, for training us as Product Owners, making the online course so dynamic, and answering all our questions.
Angela Rodriguez , Santiago
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
The course was very practical and helped me obtain a comprehensive vision of the role of a Product Owner and the framework on which to develop a product.
Esteban Lopez
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Excellent course! It provides very useful concepts and tools for the role of Product Owner and how to achieve the highest performance in agile teams. The most remarkable issue was the paradigm shift in how to approach product improvements.
Claudia Andrea Ortega Domke
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
This course was excellent, clear, and precise. It provided everything to begin and continue advancing in this new path.
Rodolfo Alfaro C
Scrum Foundations
I believe we all left wanting to come back for much more. I leave with numerous concepts and tools to improve my role as PO and how to always add value to clients.
Abi Panella , Maipú
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Play my video :)
Sebastián Schiavello , Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Excellent course! The information shared was explicit, easy to access, and understand! I recommend it a thousand times!
Beatriz Vargas Vargas , Santiago
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
This course was a great learning experience, with a lot of interesting concepts being put into practice. In my particular case, currently being PO was very valuable. I strongly recommend it!
Juan Pablo Braga Brum , Montevideo
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
This course has been an extraordinary experience. Martin taught us in a simple way how to get started in the world of Scrum.
Sandra Katherine Bastidas Chumacero
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Excellent course! It helped me identify the type of corporation teams must operate in to achieve results. Thanks!
Pablo Frindt
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-E/T)
It is a very complete course, which opened up the world of the Scrum framework for me. I thank Martín for sharing his experience and knowledge, without a doubt I will sign up to obtain the certification !!
Matías Emanuel Maresca , caba
Scrum Foundations
The course was very good and it helped me a lot. Thanks, Martin you explained the material very clearly.
Agos Lumello
Scrum Foundations
Excelente como siempre. Muy dinámico y fuera de molde lo cuál hace que sea divertido y didáctico.
Julio Cesar Allasia , Mar del Plata
Recontra Super Scrum Master
A través del Takeoff experience pude atravesar por un proceso que me retó a derrumbar grandes barreras mentales y despertó mi lado más creativo, mediante un proceso en el cual no solo sumé herramientas y conceptos muy valiosos sino que me ha permitido ganar la confianza que necesitaba para convertir mis ideas en un negocio basado en mis conocimientos y en mi deseo de compartirlo con los demás. Estoy seguro que muy pronto estará en marcha y me permitirá vivir de lo que más disfruto.
Anderson Peña , Lima
Takeoff Experience
Es una experiencia increíble! El programa da todas las herramientas que necesitas para construir tu propio negocio. No es un camino fácil, pero te guía a través de un proceso muy bien estructurado y al final, los resultados solo dependen de tu disciplina y dedicación. Es un programa 100% recomendable si estás buscando transformar tus conocimientos y habilidades en un negocio rentable.
Andrés Salcedo , Cali
Takeoff Experience
Martin makes the concepts very clear with examples, and practical exercises. You can clarify all your doubts at the moment since Martin is a true expert.
Julio César Moncada Perozo , Santiago
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
A learning experience that truly transforms the way you view and feel coaching. It challenged my judgments and showed me a new way of experiencing this profession.
Claudio Posada , Montevideo
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
Curso ideal para amplificar conocimientos.
Rodolfo Ramos , buenos Aires
Recontra Super Scrum Master
Martín is a great trainer. He has a very practical way of teaching. I loved the approach he gave to the content and how he related the different leadership profiles and organizational culture.
Julián Alvarez , Buenos Aires
Certified Agile Leadership Essentials for Teams (CAL-ET)
El Takeoff Experience da una excelente plataforma de lanzamiento y validación de ideas de negocio. Al avanzar por los temas de Takeoff Experience sentirás fluidez y coherencia en cada paso que des, además irás descubriendo cómo comunicarte con tus clientes y a entregar siempre considerando sus necesidades. Es sólo dos meses obtuve resultados y cambios que ni imaginaba que podría lograr.
Rox Muñoz , Santiago
Takeoff Experience
El curso hizo aportes importantes sobre mi forma de ver el liderazgo, ahora entiendo un poco mas como ser un líder mas efectivo y como se comportan las organizaciones de acuerdo a sus líderes.
Carlos Otero , Bogotá
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)
I take a great new perspective from this course to perceive how culture impacts the structure and vice versa, how it is affected by leadership, the importance of leadership in the organization, and at a tool level, the systemic model for continuous improvement.
Pablo Gargini
Certified Agile Leadership for Organizations (CAL-O)
Excellent course. The topics and materials are cutting edge and VERY WELL thought out. I really liked the focus and depth of the topics. You are not just learning but you are also incorporating knowledge which in turn generates self-reflections, and sometimes it left me thinking ... Again, excellent program.
Darío Grasso
PAC Academy
I've had two incredible days of learning! All the concepts are extremely clear, Martin is an amazing trainer and an internationally recognized agility professional. I am hugely satisfied with the new knowledge acquired through hands-on exercises. Thanks!!!
Angelica Domenack , Lima
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
It was a dynamic course that allowed me to explore concepts beyond theory and the responsibilities and challenges that as a product owner you can face.
Eduardo soto villanueva
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
I had previously received training with other certifying entities but in this course, I was able to close knowledge gaps. It was such a dynamic course that despite taking two days of eight hours each, time flew by. I left the course wanting to learn even more.
Alberto Michel Pérez Domínguez , México
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
The course was both entertaining and informative. There is a good mix between theory and activities. At first, I was not sure if I wanted to take an online course, but this course made me change my perspective on online courses. Great job!
Ricardo Buceta
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Excellent joint experience with professionals from different countries, sharing different points of view on the topics covered throughout the training.
georgina mariani , Vicente Lopez
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
Extraordinary experience! It is one of the best courses I have ever taken!!! It has contributed in a special way to my personal and professional growth. It has challenged me so much. I am leaving with a new perspective on how to be a coach and having met a lot of wonderful people. Thank you very much, Martin and all the coaches for making this possible.
Arichuna Vera
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
The PAC course was an amazing learning journey taught by great professionals. It really gives you a different perspective of how you can face challenges and be able to apply them in your daily life, teams, organizations.
Fernando Alayo Vásquez , Lima
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
Many thanks to all who made possible the organization of this beautiful process from beginning to end. A big hug to all! I take what I have learned and I will put it into action and I promise to continue learning and improving in my professional and personal development.
Manuel Cárdenas , Santiago
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
Simply an excellent course from start to finish! What a deep and challenging learning and growth process!!
Andres Rodriguez Gonzalez , Bogota
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
A learning-by-doing experience, separating the WHAT (product) from the HOW (process) in collaborative events with a scaling and disruptive approach.
Marxjhony Jerez (poSY) , Buffalo
Disruptive Agile Facilitator (DAF)
I went over topics I thought I knew well or had some memory of, but I had to "double-click" on several of them. I also got to know new people, hopefully leading to future friendships.
Emilio Nuñez
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Excellent course, not only for learning how to become a better Product Owner, but for the tools, trends, conversations, and practices that definitely contribute to having a new kit of ‘super powers’ to contribute with true value to organizations and their products.
Moisés Romero , Bogotá
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
Play my video :)
Vanessa Villarreal , Anisacate
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
The experience in this course has really been very enriching, based on the very dynamic classes and activities by Martín. We did the course in teams, multidisciplinary and from different countries or regions, interacting collaboratively and naturally. A highly recommend it as a step to start training in Scrum into the path of continuous improvement. Thank you!
Gustavo Díaz
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Excellent course. Everyone's good vibes and Martín's clarity and patience in explaining concepts made this course really worth it. I will certainly continue my future certifications with you!
Fernando Eijo , Barcelona
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
After several years working as a Scrum Master, I find the course very valuable and, above all, the outcomes-based approach. I would recommend it to everyone, regardless if they have been in the role for a long time.
Sergio Andrés Londoño Villa
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
The CSM course exceeded all my expectations. Not only because of Martín Alaimo's commitment to answer questions, but also due to the variety of activities, and how I ended up feeling firsthand what Scrum is. This course strengthened my professional standing and equipped me to get certified without fear of failing.
Carolina Tosoni
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Excellent course !!! I highly recommend it. The Scrum framework, as indicated in the guide, is an agile framework and perhaps you can learn about it by reading the guide or watching a video ... but with this course Martin makes us live the framework and makes us understand it in such a way that it gives the tools to implement it right away. In my case, I was already Scrum Master but in other courses, they just give you the concepts but you don't live the framework like Martin does it.
Beatriz Elena García Gutiérrez , Sabaneta
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
It was a very complete introduction to the role and all the work done by the Product Owner. I loved the focus on practical activities that help you understand the concepts in an easy way.
Esteban Gerardo Cortés Sandoval
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
The content and the exercises had a common thread that helped me understand clearly the importance of ROl and how to carry out what is required of the Product Owner.
Francisco Chinchay
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
I loved being part of this course. It is very intense, you must be fully concentrated so as not to lose the thread. Above all, those of us who are not inserted in this world of agility and come here to learn. I recommend it 100%!
Karen Pavez Valenzuela , Santiago
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
I take with me a lot of knowledge. I loved the dynamics of the course, the techniques to assimilate knowledge, and the group/collaborative meetings. A very rewarding experience!
Fernando Diaz , Sierra de La Ventana
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
It gave me many tools to apply in the transformation process that we are facing in my company.
Christian Fuentes
Certified Agile Leadership Essentials for Teams (CAL-ET)
I was looking for a certification course that would allow me not just to earn a certification, but would open the door to a wide range of tools, techniques, knowledge and experiences, that would lead me beyond my comfort zone. The course met my expectations and made me go beyond what I expected...experience is not gained by reading books alone, rather by "rolling up your sleeves," and this is what I was looking for.
Mauricio Rodriguez Cascante
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
I found it to be an excellent course that allowed me to remember and reinforce various concepts. The most interesting thing was learning about the Leadership Circle a truly powerful tool, in which I could see the progress that I have made as a leader and the issues I must continue working on to become the leader I want to be. I highly recommend this course.
Nasly Gonzalez Cerquera
Certified Agile Leadership Essentials for Teams (CAL-ET)
This course is an unrivaled learning process. A unique opportunity to learn about yourself and evolve personally, socially, and professionally.
Germán Gaitan , Buenos Aires
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
A transforming path ... a path full of emotions, fellow students, learnings, discoveries and encounters with oneself ... THANK YOU
Carlos Scolni , Buenos Aires
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
This course allows you to delve into framework topics and provides you with a broader vision of what a Scrum Master should know. All these while being coached by Martin who is an excellent and true expert. Step by Step learning and also learning how to unlearn old biases.
Fernando Alayo Vásquez , Lima
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Excelente curso, en mi caso valide muchos de los temas que intuitivamente me parecían mas cercanos a un liderazgo ágil. Ademas nos fueron entregadas herramientas que nos ayudaran a mejorar nuestras experiencias en los liderazgo Agil.
Carlos Aranda Fernandez , Santiago
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)
Muy bueno el curso! Me sirvió mucho y me hizo pensar. Espero poder llevar a la práctica varios de los temas vistos. Seguiré estudiando y aprendiendo sobre el tema.
Lucas Colantuono
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL1)
Me encantó el curso!! Me llevo muchas herramientas y materiales para aplicar en mi día a día. La sección de recursos fue un plus que agradezco inmensamente. Excelente equilibrio entre "la teoría" y la práctica.Muy concreto y específico.
Andrea Alvarez , Buenos Aires
Remote Scrum Master
I really enjoyed walking through this learning path to become an Agile Coach. The best thing was being able to apply the proposed practices that helped me expand my knowledge even more. Thank you for generating such valuable content! I take with me a lot of teachings.
Johanna Soledad Plastina
PAC Academy
Excelente curso, me encantaron todas las herramientas!
Mariel Ileana Guanipa Sayago , Caracas
Remote Scrum Master
Thank you! It was really a great experience. The dynamism, closeness, and pragmatism with which the cases are raised made the techniques used close to our day-to-day!
Miriam Frias
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Excellent course! I leave not only with a lot of knowledge and tools but also with the amazing shared experiences with the whole cohort despite being in different countries and working for companies. It was eye-opening to realize that we all face similar experiences on a daily basis. Thank you very much, Martín and the whole team.
Diana Maritza Naranjo Giraldo
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-E/T)
I had an enriching experience. The truth is, it is the first time I have attended an agility course and I loved the way the course was conducted. All concepts were very well explained and I was able to absorb a great deal of knowledge. I thank Martín and his team of collaborators for facilitating the course through a digital platform and for being so attentive in dealing with all my questions. It was an unforgettable experience!
Sergio Velandia
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
I loved taking this course! It is great to be immersed in SCRUM concepts for two full days. The dynamics of the course were super interesting by putting theory into practice. Martin is really amazing at handling the dynamics of the course!
Julia Monasterio
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Play my video :)
Liliana Amaya
Certified Agile Leadership for Organizations (CAL-O)
I highly recommend this course! Even though it was done online, which is challenging, the course was practical, very dynamic, and entertaining. There was a very good exchange of experiences among participants. The knowledge and effort behind its realization are visible. Thanks a lot!
Cintia Zalazar , Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Excellent course! The way Martin teaches . . . . there is no better way to learn SCRUM than by applying SCRUM! Excellent digital tools deal with virtual learning. I recommend it!
Iván Rodríguez Contreras
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
The CSPO course met all my expectations !!! I learned many things that I hope to be able to apply in my work. Excellent job Martín and his entire team !!
Diana Carolina Alarcón Beltrán
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
The course seemed complete in content including the latest changes and upgrades of Scrum. As for the way it is carried out, it is very dynamic and practical, with the breaks being ideal for the intensity of the course. As for Martín, you can see that he is an expert in Scrum with the knowledge acquired throughout the years he has been dedicating himself to this! I highly recommend this course because you leave you wanting more! Totally satisfied and grateful to have done it!
Gabriela Gaetani
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Martín explains very clearly, it is easy to see how well he handles many concepts. The class is well organized and follows a consistent flow that facilitates understanding. The organization of the course includes a lot of teamwork which helps in understanding and seeing different points of view and without a doubt, this adds a lot of value.
Nicolás Rivas Abud , Santiago
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Both the content of the training and Martin Alaimo as a facilitator of the learning process are excellent. We managed to learn tools and techniques with direct application in the current industry. A very practical, dynamic and agile course.
Federico Gómez
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
The content covered all the information in order to perform the role of Product Owner. All the exercises helped in retaining all the new concepts! Exchanging experiences with other colleagues was really enriching.
Ornella Mattina
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Excellent course! It gives you tools and examples to facilitate Scrum events, as well as training and coaching skills.
Herberth Alvarez , Guatemala
Remote Scrum Master
One of the most transformative experiences of both my career and my life. Thanks a lot!!
Poly Besteiro , Carrasco
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
One of the most demanding certifications I have ever taken since I encountered a totally innovative and very demanding approach, plus the quality of coaches and colleagues was superior. I highly recommend it if you are looking to transform yourself and are passionate about challenges.
Hernán Medina , Buenos Aires
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
I totally recommend taking the PAC course! For me it is not just a course, it is a constant learning guide that teaches you how to evolve as a person in order to help others realize their full potential and it is applicable for both people and organizations. Being an Agile Coach is a great responsibility and I consider myself a lifelong learner!!!!
Angelica Domenack , Lima
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
It is not simply a course ... it is a total change in your life! It's an evolution towards a new professional path with the ability to impact the lives of others. An intense path that is worth traveling.
Francisco Contreras , Santiago
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
The course was designed in such a way that the whole experience transforms you both personally and professionally. You don't just attend the PAC course you experience it and live it! My expectations were exceeded and this course has motivated me into exploring new paths.
Ana Morán , Santiago
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
It is a course to apply in your life. It transforms you in every way, grinds you inside, puts you back together, confronts you as a professional, and above all brings out a better version of you as a human being. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity !!!
Carolina Echavarría Villegas , Medellin
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
I learned a lot in this course, by truly delving into topics of the framework, facilitation techniques, and coaching tools. They will undoubtedly be of great help when working with agile teams.
Maximiliano Eliseo Solís Paz , Santiago
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Everything was great. Even being 100% virtual, it was very dynamic and enriching in content and exercises. All the warm-ups, welcome, tutorials, videos, and meetings were excellent. Congratulations! Martín, one can see that there is a lot of hard work and dedication to what you do.
Esteban Guidobaldi
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Martín is a uniquely gifted teacher. When he explains concepts they become simple and understandable. He also has a very playful way to cement knowledge (plus he makes AMAZING sketches). I had an excellent experience and it allowed me not only to lose certain fears but it motivated me to want to get even more into the agile world.
Silvana Prieto , Capital Federal
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Very complete and covering up-to-date topics. Throughout the course, I was able to learn by doing and putting new concepts to the test. All the supporting material is excellent and I am committed to continuing to deepen my knowledge. Thank you!
Claudia Ruiz
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Thank you so much for everything you shared with us, Martín! It was really a super enriching experience on a personal and professional level. The structure of the program allowed me to advance in a progressive and friendly way through the most relevant topics in the world of Coaching and Agility. I would recommend it to everyone who wants to train as an Agile Coach, as it allows you to go from being one to doing it.
Esteban Bartoletti
PAC Academy
Great course! Martín has a very didactic and entertaining way of accompanying us, he knows his subject very well and is very empathetic and careful. He has managed to create closeness even when we are in a remote environment and during difficult times. Thanks!
Patricia Husni
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Martin Alaimo's extensive knowledge is incredible! He also manages collaborative virtual tools with expertise and ease. His level of expertise and knowledge truly stands out. The course was enjoyable, and it has a collaborative environment where time passed by fast. I enjoyed having participants from all over the world because it generated the possibility of sharing knowledge and learning from each other due to the fact that we all have different training and experience profiles. Thank you!
Victoria Bernal Garcia
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
I really enjoyed the PAC - Academy course !! I take with me knowledge, practice, and a lot of reflections. For me it was revealing, it helped me be more aware of what is happening around me (and also inside me), to connect more deeply with others, and to use questions as a tool to open worlds.
Maria Lis Espeche , Córdoba
PAC Academy
Very well structured and designed to promote both the teaching and learning process. As always, Martín delights us with his great knowledge, experience, and ability to teach.
David Ernesto Bernal Garcia , Santiago de Chile
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
I had was a continuous learning experience from start to finish. I can say that it was a workshop that promoted collective intelligence and hands-on exercises of the role of the Product Owner within the Scrum framework.
Jesús Chinchilla Rojas , San Rafael
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Excellent course!!! I was surprised by the dynamics of the virtual course, everything seemed very useful to me !! And Martín is brilliant instructor!!
Nicolas Donadio , Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
I loved the class, it was super dynamic, super clear, and practical examples. We implement everything we learned in the workshop. I truly recommend it. ✌️
Denisse Giovanna Valdiviezo Puescas
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
It is always a pleasure to take courses with Martin! We not only learn the theory behind the concepts but we are constantly putting those concepts into practice. In this course you are continuously erasing doubts, raising questions, and answering them on the spot with in-depth analysis which makes this course extremely enriching. I truly recommend it!
Micaela Stuckert , CABA
Certified Agile Leadership for Organizations (CAL-O)
The Certified Scrum Master course help introduce me to this framework that revolutionized the way of developing software and that today is applied to all kinds of complex projects. Martín not only explains in depth what Scrum is and how to implement it but also the different dynamics that take place during the 2 days of the workshop, contribute to applying it in a practical way and deepening their understanding. The level of organization of his entire team is excellent, they answered doubts and questions almost immediately. Thank you so much for everything.
Sebastian D'Asta
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
This course has undoubtedly been a great help for my career plan. All the warm-up material, the sessions were very dynamic, the teams and how they were put together, the support tools to do the exercises, everything was done online. I believe it was a very good course and I recommend it 100% !!!
Yasna Rivera Marcial
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
It allowed me to identify aspects to improve, clarify ideas and strengthen what helps you do a good job. The course teaches you through empirical practice with simple but representative examples.
Natalia Elizabet Baeza , Centenario
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Dynamic and practical. This course also gives you the opportunity to meet and share with others who have experience in different sectors. The methodology used makes the day fly by and it is very enriching with practical exercises. Thanks, Martin and team !!
Catalina Guerra Marin
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Play my video :)
Marcelo Fontan , Montevideo
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
I came to learn how the framework works and I took a lot more with me. Not only did I learn key concepts related to scrum and agility, but I was also able to see clearly through the different exercises, the problems that we face when working in teams, and how results can be improved by operating at the human level and going beyond processes. Thank you, Martín for the quality of the content and to his entire team for the organization.
Eleonora Lucia Albornoz , Buenos Aires
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
This course covers the fundamentals of agile thinking and it helped me understand the concepts of scrum or agile development. I have been participating in development teams for 4 years where we apply Scrum, and this theoretical course was the part that was missing to be able to understand the Scrum framework in more detail.
Pedro mendoza ardiles
Scrum Foundations
I loved the subjects covered in this course! Especially, how the context has such an impact on your leadership style and this is the basis for the formation of high-performance teams. Personally, this course helped me discover as a leader, what I am doing well, what I can improve, and how to establish an action plan to become the leader that my team needs.
Jaime Arcos , Santiago
Certified Agile Leadership Essentials for Teams (CAL-ET)
What a fantastic course! It blended both theoretical and practical cases, with interactions between teams, and the breaks and schedule were spot on. I have nothing to criticize about this course. I highly recommend it!
Diego Cardone , Cordoba
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
It is an intense course. It makes you rethink a lot of learned practices. Completing the course is just a starting point. I take a lot of things to implement in my daily work, and this course made me want to continue to grow.
Nahuel Netsoff , Bahía Blanca
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
This course helps you identify where your organization is in relation to agile methodologies. It also helps you understand what is the role we play as Product Owners and find areas to improve, implement and properly apply the Scrum framework. I learned a lot in two days and I was also able to meet and interact with the other participants. Thank you!
Luisa Carolina Ayala Izquierdo
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Excellent experience. Martín is a great instructor, the course had different dynamics to learn the concepts in an experiential way. I loved the course and I learned a lot in these two days. Thanks!!
Solange Agustina Flores Gourdy , Siracusa
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Ideal for those experiencing or leading an organizational transformation.
Laura Fiorelli
Certified Agile Leadership for Organizations (CAL-O)
I’ve learnt so much, especially in group work that makes you get out of your comfort zone, to investigate and practice what was taught by Martin Alaimo. But above all, I underscore the current issues and trends of Modern Product Management discussed in the training.
Fernando Alayo Vásquez , Lima
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
I really liked the experiences shared and knowledge of classmates, Claudia (the Coach), for her commitment to teaching. I loved being able to share with other people from other countries.
Xiomara Muñoz Cabas , Cali
Disruptive Agile Facilitator (DAF)
A great experience, together with the content and activities. They complement each other to reach a level of excellence, along with knowing and being able to share experiences of all colleagues.
Milton Zuñiga , Santiago
Disruptive Agile Facilitator (DAF)
The program opened up the possibility for me to get to know both my strengths and my inner demons in depth, and that has enabled me to make more conscious decisions and be a better person and a better professional.
Denisse Jiménez , Oaxaca
Disruptive Agile Coach & Mentor (DAC-M)
I loved being able to share with colleagues from all over Latin America. Likewise, to delve into content that is not provided in other facilitation courses.
Mariela Camacci , Burzaco
Disruptive Agile Facilitator (DAF)
This course is of a different kind, which leads to transformation, self-knowledge and living things in a different way. I leave with a lot of learning. Something that I always like about the Alaimo Labs courses is that they are practice-oriented.
Valeska Larrucea , Santiago
Disruptive Agile Coach & Mentor (DAC-M)
Thanks to this course, I learned so much, especially during the last classes. Furthermore, I leave the course with a complete information guide to consult when I need to refresh concepts and find tools required for my role.
Vanessa Villarreal , Anisacate
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Me encantó como me aclaro dudas de las historias de usuarios, la pila de producto y los refinamientos.
Product Ownership Foundations
Muy completo y te da una pequeña vista del mundo de Product Owner.
Daniela Perez , Cali
Product Ownership Foundations
Corto pero con explicaciones de calidad!
Silvia Morales Flores
Product Ownership Foundations
Completely satisfied with the course. It covered the points I wanted and cleared the doubts I had. There are still more things to learn about agile frameworks, and this course opened Pandora's box. Still, I am happy to get certified and obtain the fundamentals based on Martin's extensive experience.
Vladimir Rodriguez Beltran , Lima
Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)
Excellent course! Once again Martin surprised me with the simplicity with which he is able to connect theory with practice and how systemic thinking can help organizations facilitate and achieve outcomes on their path to agile transformation. I highly recommend it for leaders who want to transform their organizations.
Fernando Alayo Vásquez , Lima
Certified Agile Leadership for Organizations (CAL-O)
It is a process of personal and professional transformation that challenged my beliefs and assumptions. Each iteration questioned all my previous knowledge to finally realize that each part began to connect and complete the puzzle. It is not an easy process and it requires a lot of dedication, but the end result is enormously satisfying.
Marcos Andrade , México
Disruptive Agile Coach & Mentor (DAC-M)
Es práctico, directo y sencillo de entender. Van al grano en cuanto a explicar los conceptos y te ayuda a comprender las situaciones en las que tu papel se vería envuelto en un proyecto.
José Alberto Apaza Sevilla
Product Ownership Foundations
This course was a great experience, it was more than I expected, and learning from Martín Alaimo was incredible. It was very dynamic, with several teams and collaborative activities where I learned where I am in my leadership skills and how to improve them.
Margarita Perera Ruiz , México City
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-E/T)
This course is a must! I recommend it for all leaders who want to delve into different leadership approaches, learn tools, and definitions that will help you navigate different work scenarios.
Gabriela Laura Anchipi , Adrogue
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-E/T)
I loved the course and the way it was conducted. This course motivated me to delve even more into the concepts to understand them and put them into practice.
Ivonne Astrid Delgado Buenaventura
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-E/T)
Every opportunity that I am able to take a certification course with Martín, I always have a lot to work with, ideas to implement, and above all the desire to continue deepening my knowledge. I really liked the dynamics of group work and allies ❤. Thanks!!!
Carla Fabregas
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-E/T)
Great course, with concepts and techniques necessary to help teams in continuous improvement and early value delivery.
Rene Gimenez
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
I'm leaving with more tools than I expected, and the best part is that I now have an action plan on how to improve my leadership style. I highly recommend it!
Jimena Rossello , Santiago
Certified Agile Leadership Essentials for Teams (CAL-ET)
It helped me a lot to understand others and myself from a leadership perspective. The Leadership Profile Circle tool is a hit!
Alejandro Boyadjian , Montevideo
Certified Agile Leadership Essentials for Teams (CAL-ET)
I take with me practical tools to highlight behaviors within my work team and make improvements. I love the dynamics that Martín uses and also that participants can get to know each other. I highly recommend this course!
Catherine Astudillo , Santiago
Certified Agile Leadership Essentials for Teams (CAL-ET)
Muy buen aporte, para sumar a las dinámicas remotas! gracias
Pablo Gargini
Remote Scrum Master
It gives you all the necessary tools to start working as a DPM.
Leticia Ursi , Sant Feliu de Guixols
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
Muy bien explicado de forma didáctica, para iniciar en las certificaciones de Product Owner me parece adecuado.
angela vergara
Product Ownership Foundations
Venia sin entender algunas cosas que suelen nombrar en mi trabajo y me llevo muchísima información para seguir aprendiendo, gracias!
Rosario Fernandez , Buenos Aires
Scrum Foundations
Very substantial, clear, and useful. It presents Scrum in a simple but very valuable way and helps you take your first steps into this framework!
Felipe Falcone
Scrum Foundations
Super clear and a great way to enter the world of agile and SCRUM methodologies and choose which path to explore ... Thank you!
Mariana Literowski
Scrum Foundations
The course offers practical tools to be applied in the workplace.
Daniel Londoño
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
It gives you structure and a 360-degree perspective on what needs to be considered in Product Management!
Fernando Alayo Vásquez , Lima
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
The course is super helpful if you want to begin to understand what Scrum is. It is very clear and has short videos that make the course easy to follow all the way to the end.
Jesús Arce
Scrum Foundations
This course is dynamic, clear, and super specific. It is well worth taking for someone who is just starting out in the field or for someone who wants to refresh their knowledge.
Karolina Grisales
Organizational Design Foundations
I gained new perspectives for approaching organizational transformation, things to consider for organizational design. It was a very enriching course, highly recommended.
Natalia Pordomingo , La Plata
Organizational Design Foundations
Currently, it's very important to design and implement a common strategy within the organization, making the course relevant for achieving success in this endeavor.
Jorge Adoniram Mendoza
Organizational Design Foundations
It's the best option to learn at a sufficient level the main technical practices that are needed to correctly carry out the work of a Scrum Master or Agile Coach if your previous training doesn't include a technical background such as computer or systems engineering. Undoubtedly, the bases delivered -and complemented by the readings recommended by the trainer- allow improvement in the technical realm.
José Miguel Reyes López
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
Excellent course that allows to practice every bit of learning. It is worth the investment due to the amount of information that I carry with me and for being able to implement it quickly. Highly recommended!
Pablo Lage , Saavedra
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
Martín Alaimo’s teaching opens up the mind to what it really means to being a Product Owner. Expectations are more than fulfilled. Thank you very much for all the shared knowledge!
Andrea Gualtero Mosquera , Ibagué
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
Es un curso muy completo en donde nos entregan conocimiento, herramientas, todas las actividades son co-creadas con tus compañeros donde practicas. Lo recomiendo 100%, me llevo un monto de experiencia y lista para poner en practica.
Yesenia Osses , Santiago
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (A-CSM)
This course exceeded my expectations, great instructor and content.
Silvia Leonor Vargas Escalona , Ciudad de México
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
Excellent course, I gained a deeper understanding of how to execute Product Management!
Marxjhony Jerez (poSY) , Buffalo
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
Realicé el curso CSM con Martín Alaimo y ha superado ampliamente mis expectativas! Aprendí los conceptos de Scrum de forma sólida, práctica y entretenida para rendir el examen de la Scrum Alliance. Destaco también la plataforma, y los procesos de soporte previos, durante y posteriores al curso. Muchas gracias a todo el equipo de Alaimo Labs! Sin dudas son principales referentes para la formación en Scrum y seguramente continuaré capacitándome con ustedes en este apasionante marco de trabajo. Beso y gracias por todo! Euge.
Maria Eugenia Llanez , Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
It is not a course... it is a process with which you will grow professionally and much more personally! But you have to dare, be willing to bring out your best version and let yourself go.
Antonieta Díaz
Disruptive Agile Coach & Mentor (DAC-M)
You gain theoretical material, but above all, a lot of practical experience. The activities are very engaging, and the trainer is extremely knowledgeable!
Matías Alberti
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
More than a course, it is a path that must be traveled by those dedicated to bringing agility to companies as part of their day-to-day life.
Carlos Andres Garcia Garcia , Cali
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
What an incredible life experience. It is not simply a course, it is a meeting place with oneself, in order to later serve others in this beautiful role of Agile Coach. Thanks, PAC! Thanks, Martin!
María Fernanda Yepez , quito
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
A great deal of information and experience. If you plan to take it, I recommend you keep an eye on the time dedicated to the practices.
Pamela Orbenes Hidalgo
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Play my video :)
Adrian Romero , Rosario
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
If you are only looking for a course to simply get certified as a Scrum Master, do not take this course, because here you not only learn about Scrum, but Martin also teaches you how to differentiate yourself from other Scrum Masters by adding value to the organization and the entire Scrum team. You will also learn what situations to avoid (anti-patterns) and that we should measure outcomes over outputs. Don't say I didn't warn you ... ;)
Camila Fraternali
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
It's a wonderful course... the trainer is a #Crack (expert) and makes you fall in love with and become more and more interested in this agile world.
Alejandro Morales , Medellín
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
It provided me with many tools.
Micaela Korkes
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
I learned by doing... There hasn't been a single minute when I stopped learning. Highly recommended. The practical exercises are amazing!
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
Absolutely transformative. I’m a different person now-wanting to go out into the world to share my learning. Thank you
Melida Malagon Campos , BOGOTA, D.C.
Disruptive Agile Coach & Mentor (DAC-M)
Happy to have gone through this incredible transformation process! I grew a lot, I learned a lot, I enjoyed myself a lot… it was a truly wonderful process! Now ... it's time to fly! I'm going for it!
Diego Virgolini , Córdoba
Professional Agile Coach (PAC)
I enjoyed doing this course. It complemented the knowledge I had about being an Agile Coach, the teams, and different concepts and practices that allow you to evolve within the role. The platform for the course was very good and so was the content. I really liked the graphics and the other supporting materials used in the different chapters.
Rene Mauricio Perez , santiago
PAC Academy
The experience is incredible, ranging from concepts to immersive practical application. It unveils new ways of learning and creating wonderful connections with different perspectives.
Karen Lara Ferrufino , Cochabmaba
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
La experiencia TakeOff te entrega todo lo posible para partir, generalmente siempre se tiene esas ganas de comenzar algo y comienzas a revisar mil y un temas para que todo sea perfecto. Takeoff es ese empujón que te lleva a hacerlo y te entrega una metodología de validación que te permite iterar rápidamente volviendo a realizar ciertos pasos. Lo mejor de este programa es que te lleva a la acción. Es una excelente experiencia si tienes una idea y quieres transformarla en una realidad!
Dieter Varas , Viña del Mar
Takeoff Experience
Definitely take it! excellent guidance and high-level demonstrations of expertise in the subject matter.
Efren Cortes
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
This is a transformative course; many of us come from the world of Delivery, but there's little knowledge about Discovery aligned with the organization's strategy.
Gabriel Ramirez Mora
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
The double certification is very comprehensive and helps both advanced teams and those who are just starting.
Lucero Medina
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
Very good experience. The trainer and the team create the perfect environment for hands-on learning, every point addressed and concept explained. Unmatched, I will definitely take more courses with Alaimo Labs.
Víctor Uriel López Vázquez
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
It's a great opportunity to take your practice to the next level, accompanied by an expert who shares theory and experience.
Sebastian Cohen , Olivos
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
This course covers many agile topics; the techniques learned here are based on studies and their efficiency has been proven. There is a lot of support material, and in the classes, we always had practices that helped us better understand the theory. Excellent course.
Alma Evangelina Quesada Arenivar
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
It is a truly wonderful process that gives much more than one can imagine!
Barberis Ivan Walter Martin
Disruptive Agile Coach & Mentor (DAC-M)
"The classes are very didactic, entertaining, and very importantly, they helped me learn new topics and reinforce others. Thank you very much
Pablo Berman
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
It is not just a training, it is an experience for life and it is worth every hour.
Maria Ortiz , Bogotá
Disruptive Agile Coach & Mentor (DAC-M)
The experience I had with the coach was much more than educational: it was transformative. It changed the way I approach product management and added a layer of depth to my professional decision-making. The experience and tools obtained are invaluable in my career as a Product Owner. I learned how to break down a product vision into a strategic plan with clear and measurable objectives, and how to ensure that each step of the user journey provides real and tangible value.
Gabriel Ramirez Mora
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
It opens your eyes to the responsibilities of the Scrum Master and what it truly means for teams and organizations.
Andrea Gualtero Mosquera , Ibagué
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
he course has quite extensive content on different practices that can be used when building products! I can assure that it complements very well the knowledge of people who lack a technical background.
Matias Rivero , Buenos Aires
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
The simplicity and depth with which Martín presents the content in the course is world-class. Thank you for such an enriching training experience!
Eduardo Brie
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Excellent experience, I have learned a lot from my peers' experiences and from the instructor Martin.
Surai Scozzesi , ROSARIO
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
Interesting and with a clear focus to bring it into the reality of our organizations.
Andrés Castañeda , Quito
Organizational Design Foundations
A good tool for generating changes within organizations.
Orlando Alvarez Maureira , Santiago
Organizational Design Foundations
A hands-on course that exceeded my expectations. A month ago, I wouldn't have thought I could use AI to facilitate my work, which is now a reality. Recommended!
Ivana Brúderová
AI-Assisted Backlog & Product Management
It deactivated my resistance and allowed me to connect with the idea of regularly interacting with AI.
Sonia Juarez
AI-Assisted Backlog & Product Management
The course is great, it provides knowledge and context that is very easy to grasp and understand, ready to be applied in organizations. Many thanks!
Pablo Herrera
Organizational Design Foundations
The information received is of great value and very up-to-date.
Jonathan Bustamante
Organizational Design Foundations
Excellent for laying the groundwork on how to design an organization according to strategy.
Julian Camilo Cardona Escobar
Organizational Design Foundations
This course is a mind opener, and will probably help you get new and innovate ideas for you company and daily work
Bren Gomez
AI-Assisted Backlog & Product Management
Very interactive, it helps to fine-tune interactions with AI.
Yaliana Muniz Mercado
AI-Assisted Backlog & Product Management
It provides a structured view of how to interact with AI and make it your ally; it doesn't do the work for you, but it assists you very well, complementing your product vision.
Juan Carlos Ribera Vaca
AI-Assisted Backlog & Product Management
The best applied and guided way to implement artificial intelligence as an assistant in our day-to-day. Fully Recommended.
Paola Medina Martínez , Bogotá
AI-Assisted Backlog & Product Management
Very enriching to facilitate backlog management work and at the same time keep up with the latest technologies.
Alejandro Boyadjian
AI-Assisted Backlog Management
La IA puede ayudar a reducir HH. Me encantó el enfoque del curso.
Matías Rubio
AI-Assisted Backlog Management
I recommend the course if you are unfamiliar with the topic or don't know how to use the tool to your advantage.
Valeria Santiago Texidor
AI-Assisted Backlog Management
Take it! You will not regret it as the course and insights add great value to the daily work of a product manager.
Nicole Rosario Gautier
AI-Assisted Backlog & Product Management
The approach is absolutely pragmatic, you take away very useful tools that you can use immediately... very useful.
Gustavo Araque
AI-Assisted Backlog & Product Management
It makes you grow not only as a Scrum Master but also as a leader.
Willy Vanezca
Double Scrum Mastering Certification
It is a very intense and continuous learning course, not only through our teacher Martín but also through the dynamics used that promoted the collaboration between the participants which in turn helped to internalize concepts and to visualize the perspectives and professional experiences of others. I highly recommend taking this course, especially for those who must manage projects and products with interdisciplinary teams. The course met all my expectations!!
Marcelo Gabriel Alvarez Cavia , Santa Fe
Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Thanks to the course, today I realized that my team lacks time to refine.
Matías Rubio
Effective User Stories
The trainer is highly knowledgeable in the subject matter and generous with their expertise. This course provides frameworks to make sense of organizational design, starting with the essentials prior to the design itself, including understanding analysis and diagnosis.
Mariela Camacci , Burzaco
Organizational Design (ORG)
Muy agradecido. el entrenador comparte los conocimientos y herramientas que ayudan a ayudar a más personas y organizaciones.
Miguel R. Lora G. , Lima
Organizational Design (ORG)
All the Alaimo Labs talks are excellent, but what’s good about this one is that it covers a topic that isn’t so common for professional talks, and that always helps to have a perspective on what could later be a good certification to pursue.
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
Knowledge doesn't take up space, and knowing how to set and define OKRs is a must for organizations that want to achieve outstanding results and bring about a cultural shift towards alignment and directed effort.
Alexia Díaz
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
Absolutely recommendable and functional, crucial for the organization
Alejandro San Juan
Organizational Design (ORG)
It's an excellent course for grasping the various approaches and methods of delving into the world of organizational design."
Noelia Salcedo
Organizational Design (ORG)
Muy claro y muy buenos lo ejemplos o analogías utilizadas. Me dio claridad sobre varios temas que tenía dudas.
Christian Capelo
Product Ownership Foundations
OKR is a good tool for organizations. Taking the course clarifies some important concepts of the methodology. It is important to dare to make mistakes and start with a different methodology that measures objectives in short cycles. It is essential to adapt these methodologies to the reality of each company. These tools are often associated with IT service companies, but it is not necessary; any company can use them.
Veronica Ramón
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
The topics covered gave me great incentive to try implementing OKRs to tackle problems. Thank you very much!
José María Rizo , La Rioja
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
In this course, we explored every essential step required for crafting an effective organizational design.
Yesmeidy Espinosa
Organizational Design (ORG)
Highly dynamic.
Juana Margarita Ramírez Vander Horst
Organizational Design (ORG)
I found the examples to be extremely valuable.
Silvina Susana Díaz
Effective User Stories
It's a highly recommended class whether you are a beginner in the subject or already consider yourself an expert. The Q&A session is always the best part because everything is better explained and the teacher really guides you.
Flora Valeria Ruvalcaba Gutiérrez
Effective User Stories
The trainer's knowledge and ground experience make the difference.
Sebastian Cohen , Olivos
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
A very comprehensive course that provides an excellent approach to designing strategies for defining digital products
Oriana Andrade
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
It is an opportunity to learn how to manage technical issues with teams while considering the value they bring. It's interesting to hear the experiences of the facilitator. Great course.
Nathalie Salazar Esparza
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
Excellent course to reinforce fundamental concepts in the practice of Agile.
Mayra Pitre
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
It is a very useful course, with clear recommendations and concepts, fundamentals, recommended bibliography, current practices and tools, among other aspects that I found very important. Highly recommended.
Patricia Aballay , Salta
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
I came with the expectation of seeing many repeated things in terms of how to use AI, however with very simple tips, Martin has managed to make these 8 hours a great investment. From moment zero, he changed my perception of AI and I have been adjusting my workflow based on this learning.
Nicolás Gaitán
AI-Assisted Backlog & Product Management
The course is worth the investment. We worked as a team to develop a product based on what we learnt in each session. It’s also challenging. Fully recommended.
Melissa Ruiz
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
It is very worthwhile to be able to understand how to use AI in our PO role and put it into practice.
Michel Christian Ramírez Joachin
AI-Assisted Product Management & Product Ownership
I started it with high expectations, and it exceeded them by far! The curriculum of topics, the timing, the execution, the coach's skill, all of that combined made the course a very enriching experience!
Leonardo Lena
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
The course is perfect for those of us who don't have much technical knowledge because it helps to understand some very important technical points in daily work. Additionally, by sharing with other classmates and the teacher, one learns a lot about the state of the art in the industry.
Andrea Rosario Lamarmora
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
It is a very useful course to delve into tools that support the team's maturity and to elevate the technical quality of the product developed. For those who do not have knowledge of technology, it is advisable to follow the supplementary material to clarify certain issues and arrive prepared for the group work sessions.
Andrés Castañeda , Quito
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
This is not just another course that will talk about the basic concepts of agility, but it goes beyond, even providing us with other tools that will help us do our job.
Antonio Alberto Melo Molina
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
It's a very good course for reviewing technical aspects associated with agile management of software development. It has a very well-guided activity dynamic... it's very useful!... Highly recommended...!
José Peralta , Salta
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
Outstanding experience. The trainer's expertise is evident. Great work on Miro with well-structured exercises
Azeneth Sevilla , Monterrey
Organizational Design (ORG)
It provided me with an exceptional framework to guide the process of designing an organization, with practical approaches and innovative strategies based on agile principles. Additionally, it addressed the integration of agile methods in organizational design, fostering adaptability and efficiency in dynamic business environments. The quality of the content and the instructor's expertise made this course an invaluable tool in my development, and I believe it could greatly benefit those looking to effectively and agilely transform their organizations.
Martin Aguirre Lan
Organizational Design (ORG)
This course offers not just knowledge, but also a framework to begin with Organizational Design.
Paul Gonzales
Organizational Design (ORG)
I found it very effective how agility is interlocked with the Galbraith model to identify common ground in factors like flexibility and adaptability through agile tools.
Fernando Alayo Vásquez , Lima
Organizational Design (ORG)
A very interesting learning that opens up the possibilities for the use of artificial intelligence in different routine tasks.
Alvaro Chambi Reinaga
AI-Assisted Product Management & Product Ownership
Highly recommended for understanding the techniques for development in Agile Teams. Also, for understanding the language of developers, testers in the team.
Luis Rolando Encinas Gomez
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
It's great, very dynamic with excellent material and the explanations are super practical. You delve into how to leverage AI to polish, perfect and obtain better and more optimized results in the development of digital products.
Celina Rebora Tqgniani
AI-Assisted Product Management & Product Ownership
Very interesting material and extensive explanations with authentic examples.
Guillermo Muñoz
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
On point about the process of creating new products.
Beatriz Santillán , Lima
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
The A-CSPO course expands the vision on product discovery and the toolkit to play the role of the Product Owner. I really liked the experience of turning knowledge into learning.
Ivanoba Mora Pardo , Cali
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
It's great as an initial overview of organizational design. The dynamics proposed in the course are excellent and help to solidify the concepts.
Eduardo Mereles , Montevideo
Organizational Design (ORG)
Everything you need and more to implement it now! Thanks for everything!
Maria Eugenia Pepa
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
The course is excellent. I found that there is much more than I thought when evaluating the agility level of a company.
Maximiliano Cucchetti , Capital Federal
Certified Agile Leadership for Organizations (CAL-O)
Great to share experiences, always at the forefront of continuous improvement and management.
Fernando Alayo Vásquez , Lima
OKRs and Strategic Alignment (OKR)
Very comprehensive and enriching, both technically and practically
Mauricio Patiño
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
It's an ideal course if you're starting in the world of product management or have intentions of entering it. As always, the instructor is excellent at explaining and has plenty of examples and information to share.
Sol Garcia , Tandil
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
Highly recommended, a course full of cutting-edge and necessary information to improve the current processes that we still use in most companies. Practical and didactic learning that facilitates understanding!
Mauro Cordero , Rosario
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
Beyond obtaining a certificate, what I valued most about this course is the learning path you take in this course. It was both theoretical and very hands-on, accompanied by a great Teacher, Martín. Thank you, Martín for being part of my training, from the start and I hope to continue on this path with you.
Alejandra Gómez Correa , Sabaneta
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
It is very interesting and I haven't seen anything like it... Also, very easy to understand, a very good speaker.
Romina Mariana Salvia
Organizational Design Foundations
Muy buen resumen y tips para comenzar a incursionar la temática de diseño de organizaciones
Daniela Brusa
Organizational Design Foundations
Excellent way of explaining, very clear and with examples.
Cecilia Belen Ferreira
Organizational Design Foundations
Very good! A whole new world to discover.
Marien Soria , Rosario
Organizational Design Foundations
The key points that Hiro explained are very powerful because they provide a complete overview of the dimensions involved in designing or redesigning an organization.
José María Rizo , La Rioja
Organizational Design Foundations
It is an opportunity for professional growth.
Jenniffer Alejandra Reina Gaviria
Organizational Design Foundations
It addresses complex topics directly and efficiently, making the course enjoyable and enriching.
Andrés Agustín Rodríguez
Organizational Design Foundations
Very precise and to the point about Strategic Leadership through OKRs. Excellent talk.
Víctor Uriel López Vázquez
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
The trend is to lead with OKRs, and the best thing that could happen is to learn with Alaimo Labs!
Ana Marcuse
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
A well-organized syllabus and spectacular speakers, with masterful, direct, and analytical teaching.
Andrés Agustín Rodríguez
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
It is a comprehensive course, and its contents are easy to understand for those of us who are not very familiar with the concepts, with real-world applications
Jessica Aimar
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
The explanations are based on real cases, making it easier to understand and not just pure theory!
Xenia Molina
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
A very good tool for improving strategic knowledge at the organizational level.
Alejandra Gómez Correa , Sabaneta
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
Like all the Alaimo Labs courses, it is very innovative, clear, and concise. It truly opens up opportunities and shows you new problem-solving strategies. Thank you!
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
This is an indispensable component for leaders, regardless of the business context in which you are immersed.
Gustavo Araque
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
I have enjoyed all the real and practical cases you have mentioned to apply the theoretical foundations
Jorge Antonio Linares Vera
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
The course was very important for understanding the "why" and being able to easily identify the anti-patterns we are practicing unknowingly, which hinder the correct implementation of this methodology.
Emanuel Nicenboim , Rosario
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
Take the course and bring paper and pencil because many valuable concepts are shared that you should take note of.
Roberto F Patrone
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
Interesting and very detailed presentation of the importance of OKRs in conjunction with team leadership in companies. Thank you for opening our minds.
Franco Tarchini , Medellin
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
You learn very valuable things for day-to-day work.
Natalia Pordomingo , La Plata
Leadership, Strategy and Culture with OKR
I reinforced what I experienced with the Certified Scrum Master, Martin's knowledge is enormous. He is an amazing teacher and trainer which means that in this course we learn by constantly practicing the role of Scrum Masters. Everything that is explained is also put into practice on a daily basis. Martin's teaching process is extraordinary. I would do it again and I am sure that I would find even more new concepts.
Damian Calvo , Buenos Aires
Advanced Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
If you don't have technical training, do not hesitate to take this course, as it is an excellent introduction. Nicolás shares many experiences and materials so that you can continue to increase your knowledge. Without underestimating the value of practices focused on management, it allows you to realize that they are necessary but not sufficient, and that, as agilists, we can also make a difference by accompanying teams in exploring and incorporating new technical practices.
Sonia Juarez
Technical Practices for Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches & Product Owners
Personally, I recommend it. The knowledge and experience shared by Martín are invaluable for starting out in this career or significantly improving if you're already in it.
Ramiro Fabián Ospina
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
I was looking for a learning experience and a level of excellence to move on to my next professional level, I found much more than I expected!! It is one of those programs that challenges you to go for more, without a doubt!
Mariela Camacci , Burzaco
Disruptive Agile Coach & Mentor (DAC-M)
The course cleared up many of my doubts and motivates me to continue my education, but now with a broader vision of my goal.
Vanesa Lipera
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
To keep the neurons firing: you go over classic concepts, new and current ones, today's examples, real cases, and everything adds up!
Natalia Analia Gonzalez
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
If you're thinking about improving your Product Management skills or are just starting out and/or transitioning to a new role, this course will add tremendous value, with plenty of up-to-date knowledge in the field and the digital product sector. Highly recommended, 200%!
Emir André Salinas , Lima
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
The course summarizes the key aspects of the topic. Martín is excellent at explaining with total simplicity and clarity concepts that, for those just starting out, might be difficult to understand, while for those who already have some knowledge, it reinforces, reminds, and sometimes clarifies their true meaning, allowing them to recognize and apply them appropriately in the role of Product Management. I loved the interaction with the audience, always attentive to answering questions and addressing doubts.
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
Highly recommended for anyone looking to start or deepen the skills needed to be a Product Manager. It also shares important tips that aren't mentioned in other courses, helping you to enter the digital world through this discipline.
Santiago Soto
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
The course is rich in content and quality, as well as in the experience of the presenter. Truly useful and applicable from the very first moment.
Mónica Medl
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
A great opportunity to understand the differences between CPO, PO, and Product Manager.
Rodrigo Alvaro Montes Rondón
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
More and more aligned with reality every day... it's incredible how they keep up with the pulse of the market.
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
The instructor's generosity is unmatched, and you'll learn something new taught in a transparent way.
Alma Sinojmeri , La Plata
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
It's a great opportunity to get acquainted with the role of DPM and understand the differences between PjM and/or PO.
Simón Marco , La Plata
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
You learn so much in just a few short hours!
Bryan Jose Alberto
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
It is rewarding to receive answers and guidance from someone who has been immersed in this market for so long.
Tomas Valentín Gentili
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
An opportunity to gain various tools and knowledge to achieve goals. Honestly, these two masterclass sessions were interactive, and you learn a lot. Thank you very much.
Haydee Elizabeth Bringas
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
Practical tools related to day-to-day activities to learn or continue training to become a PM. Very dynamic!
Miriam Bures
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
This course provides a very comprehensive perspective on the role of the Product Manager and how to enhance the skills associated with this position.
Grace Vergara Mesa
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
It broadens the perspective on the current trends in the development of Product Managers.
Juan Carlos Cantera
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
Very good instructor, explains this field very well. The classes are very engaging and easy to understand.
Lilian Navarro Mansilla
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
It's a course that helps you take ownership of your role and propels your career as a Product Manager.
Monica Velasco
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
Very up-to-date information!
Natalia Ybarra Paz
Become a Product Manager, without obstacles
Very good course for getting context on the content and seeing more tangible examples related to the concepts involved in Product Management.
Valeria Osorio , Santiago
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
Very useful as an accelerator to clearly understand the framework for approaching OKRs.
Jorge Sanz Miguel , Madrid
OKRs and Strategic Alignment (OKR)
It's a very enlightening course on defining strategies in teams!
Patricia Denis
OKRs and Strategic Alignment (OKR)
A very interesting course where knowledge for creating high-impact User Stories is reinforced
María Juliana Morales Tamayo
Effective User Stories
The class has easy-to-understand examples that are not usually seen in the material available on the Internet. Questions are answered in an empathetic and very grounded manner
Nelly Martinez
Effective User Stories
Not only do you ground the theory you've read about, but it also gives you a lot of confidence to face your daily challenges in agile projects."
Joyce Suarez Fabre
Effective User Stories
Excellent learning experience! Especially the activities utilized to gain hands-on experience of what was taught, as well as the materials, the way content was presented, and how the facilitator handled everything. Definitely, an experiential method that truly cements skills.
Dahiana Mercedes Pichardo Peralta
Certified Agile Leadership (CAL-E/T)
Great for complementing CSPO and A-CSPO.
Lucas Francisco Alessio , CABA
Certified Digital Product Manager (DPM)
It's a concise course, perfect for any profile. Very dynamic and ideal for visual learners.
Venegas Hernández Leonardo
Effective User Stories
The method used is very good, very clear, and precise!
Freddy Romero Espinoza
Product Ownership Foundations
This course makes you understand what leadership is and what are your agile leadership characteristics. Knowing this contributes to the continuous improvement process both individually and for the teams and organizations, I work with. Thank you very much for sharing all these insights.
Ivanoba Mora Pardo , Cali
Certified Agile Leadership Essentials for Teams (CAL-ET)