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Excellent joint experience with professionals from different countries, sharing different points of view on the topics covered throughout the training.
georgina mariani , Vicente Lopez
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
Excellent course, not only for learning how to become a better Product Owner, but for the tools, trends, conversations, and practices that definitely contribute to having a new kit of ‘super powers’ to contribute with true value to organizations and their products.
Moisés Romero , Bogotá
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
Both the content of the training and Martin Alaimo as a facilitator of the learning process are excellent. We managed to learn tools and techniques with direct application in the current industry. A very practical, dynamic and agile course.
Federico Gómez
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
I’ve learnt so much, especially in group work that makes you get out of your comfort zone, to investigate and practice what was taught by Martin Alaimo. But above all, I underscore the current issues and trends of Modern Product Management discussed in the training.
Fernando Alayo Vásquez , Lima
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
Excellent course that allows to practice every bit of learning. It is worth the investment due to the amount of information that I carry with me and for being able to implement it quickly. Highly recommended!
Pablo Lage , Saavedra
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
Martín Alaimo’s teaching opens up the mind to what it really means to being a Product Owner. Expectations are more than fulfilled. Thank you very much for all the shared knowledge!
Andrea Gualtero Mosquera , Ibagué
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
The course is worth the investment. We worked as a team to develop a product based on what we learnt in each session. It’s also challenging. Fully recommended.
Melissa Ruiz
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
I started it with high expectations, and it exceeded them by far! The curriculum of topics, the timing, the execution, the coach's skill, all of that combined made the course a very enriching experience!
Leonardo Lena
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
The A-CSPO course expands the vision on product discovery and the toolkit to play the role of the Product Owner. I really liked the experience of turning knowledge into learning.
Ivanoba Mora Pardo , Cali
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)
The experience I had with the coach was much more than educational: it was transformative. It changed the way I approach product management and added a layer of depth to my professional decision-making. The experience and tools obtained are invaluable in my career as a Product Owner. I learned how to break down a product vision into a strategic plan with clear and measurable objectives, and how to ensure that each step of the user journey provides real and tangible value.
Gabriel Ramirez Mora
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO)