Impact-Led Product Strategy

Impact-Led Product Strategy

Transforming Ideas into Impact: Product Strategies that Make a Difference.

In a world where innovation and social impact intertwine, impact-oriented product strategy emerges as a compass to guide the development of meaningful solutions. This approach seeks not only to meet immediate needs but also to generate positive and lasting change in society. Through a deep understanding of users and a focus on concrete results, this guide offers tools to transform ideas into products that truly make a difference. With a balance between theory and practice, it prepares the ground for innovating consciously and with purpose.

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What will I learn?

You will discover how to identify, define and pursue a key objective that serves as a beacon for all your team's strategic and operational decisions.

This approach will allow you to align every aspect of your product with a goal that not only reflects success, but also encapsulates the value you provide to your users.

You will learn to prioritize and manage your product backlog so that each user story, each feature and each improvement is aligned with the strategic objective.

Impact-Led Product Strategy

The impact-led product strategy focuses on creating solutions that not only achieve business objectives but also promote positive change in society. This approach delves into understanding the needs and aspirations of users, integrating this vision with sustainable innovation to deliver products that truly make a difference. It's a call to think beyond functionality, considering how each product can contribute to a better future.

Implementing a product strategy with an impact focus involves a constant commitment to evaluation and continuous improvement. This means establishing metrics that measure not only commercial success but also impact on users. Collaboration among teams, adaptability, and the adoption of an iterative approach are fundamental to overcoming challenges and maximizing the potential of each product. Ultimately, this guide provides a framework for organizations to innovate consciously and align their product development efforts with their values and business goals.

Take advantage of this opportunity to place yourself at the forefront of Agile Product Management.

What will I get?

Access to an online campus so you can follow the activities and complete them with your time

1 miles that you can later exchange for discounts on our courses

1 SEU from the Scrum Alliance for the renewal of your certifications

About the Instructor

Martin Alaimo

Consultant and trainer dedicated to Business Agility and Digital Product Creation.

You will be trained by an expert who supports companies and has assisted over 6,000 professionals in more than 20 years of agile product development.

Martin's approach is situational and practical, while his teaching style is immersive, offering novel experiences with the material that facilitate rapid learning.

He is a recognized author of 5 books on the benefits of Agility in digital innovation and has been a speaker at over 30 conferences in the United States and 14 countries in Latin America and Europe.

He is one of the few experts holding the industry's highest certifications in agile practices: Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC), Certified Team Coach (CTC), Certified Agile Leadership Educator (CAL Educator), and Path to CSP Educator.

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Impact-Led Product Strategy

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