Certified Agile Mentoring Skills (AMS)

Certified Agile Mentoring Skills (AMS)

The ultimate program to build, develop, and certify as an Agile Mentor.

100% Online! The Agile Mentoring Skills (AMS) is a program that shows you how to learn and develop your professional mentoring skills with a practical approach aimed at agile contexts. Facilitated by Dieter Varas and Diego Virgolini, professionals with extensive experience in driving Agility in various industries in Latin America.

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In this iteration, we will explore some fundamental aspects to start your practice as a professional mentor. These aspects will create the foundation for developing impactful interventions, allowing you to recognize and differentiate relevant characteristics or key behaviors in your own actions and those around you.

This iteration will be dedicated to understanding the different ways to carry out mentoring. You will be able to identify which is the most appropriate approach according to the needs of the client and the different types of relationships you can generate based on that approach.

In addition, you will develop the ability to generate robust mentoring agreements that allow building a solid base for the relationship with your client.

This iteration will allow you to recognize and develop the key skills to start as a competent mentor. You will learn the importance of self-recognition as a complete person, seeing the development of others as relevant to achieving your own success.

Similarly, you will understand how to communicate and listen effectively to make an impact on those around you and appreciate the importance of building a solid network of professionals.

During this iteration, you will delve into the world of emotions and moods. You will be able to differentiate them and dissect the narrative behind each and how it impacts the actions of people. You will become an emotionally intelligent and competent person and will obtain the necessary abilities to recognize and intervene in your clients' emotions, especially when these impact their actions in a non-constructive way for their goals.

In this iteration, we will review the most relevant aspects of the conversations you will experience as a mentor. You will learn to recognize different types of conversations and conversational dynamics to intervene and transform them into generative conversations that allow your client to be a protagonist in your context. Additionally, you will incorporate powerful techniques that will enrich the understanding and exchange with those you accompany.

In this iteration, we will learn about different tools and mentoring models that will allow you to address and/or frame your conversations under a structure that enhances the impact of interventions with your clients.

In this iteration, you will incorporate concepts and practices that will enable you to accompany your clients in finding and walking their path towards achieving their goals. You will identify how motivation affects their actions and when it is appropriate to intervene by persuading or influencing their viewpoints and ways of acting or interacting to enhance their development.

On the other hand, we will delve into effective feedback and feedforward techniques that will enable you to appropriately convey your perception of your client's achievements and/or actions.

In this iteration, you will understand the importance of empowering your clients, considering their commitment and individual responsibility as fundamental factors for achieving the proposed results. On the other hand, you will discover the importance of maintaining behaviors with discipline and the creation of habits that allow for sustainable and enduring changes over time.

This iteration will be dedicated to exploring mentoring at an organizational scale. You will understand what the conditions and key factors are to drive the practice of mentoring at a scaled level by applying mentor evaluation and recognition techniques, in addition to being able to identify needs and tools to align people who participate in this practice.

What will you learn in the Agile Mentoring Skills (AMS)?

You will be able to put into practice some key aspects that will help you evolve the way you communicate and relate, generating a positive impact in your context and the people around you.

You will be a competent professional who can accompany individuals and teams to enhance professional aspects and develop skills and knowledge that help them achieve their goals.

You will incorporate new tools that will allow you to enhance your accompaniment to other individuals and teams.

You will have the necessary knowledge to implement an Organizational Mentoring program knowing the stages and key definitions for its execution.

What is it about?

For some years now, organizations in general are more aware that they live in a context of constant change and great uncertainty, and that it is fundamental to learn and adapt to face this context and generate value sustainably over time.

The most relevant aspect to consider in this context is that these organizational capabilities will always depend on the people who make up the organization and the way they relate and share knowledge.

In this context, the discipline of agile mentoring has become very relevant so that people can navigate their challenges accompanied by other more experienced individuals who seek to make all their knowledge and skills available for the objectives, seeking in this same process their development as mentors.

This program will enable you to develop your professional practice in real contexts. You will not only learn how to accompany individuals and teams in addressing their challenges, but you will also become an agile mentor who generates impact in their environment.

What do you get by registering?

A learning path

A complete step-by-step learning plan that will allow you to acquire skills to position yourself as an Agile Mentor.

Course Recording

Access to the video recordings of the course after each meeting, so you can have it for consultation and reference.

Virtual Campus

A learning platform with material that you can consult at any time.

International Recognition

The Agile Mentoring Skills (AMS) certification, endorsed by Disruption Factory, arises from the need of individuals regarding what to do when sustained accompaniment with a more focused exchange on experience, training, and development is required.

18 Miles

Miles that you can later exchange for discounts on our other courses.

About the Instructors

Diego Virgolini

Diego has over +15 years of experience leading teams and +5 years as an independent consultant supporting C-levels, Managers, Leaders, and Teams in organizations such as Naranja X, Banco Galicia, Telecom, Claro, La Segunda, Coelsa, Red Link, Geopagos, Banco Comafi, Omint, Digital House, Ualá, Plus, Traditum, and Konecta among others.

Trainer in Agile Coaching & Mentoring, Agile Leadership, Agile Mindset, Lean Philosophy, and Facilitation, among others, in the Diploma in Strategy and Executive Management at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of Córdoba (Argentina), at Alaimo Labs, Kinetic, Mundos E, Human Institute, and OKR University.

Frequent speaker on topics related to Agility, OKRs, and leadership at conferences such as Ágiles Latinoamérica, Agile Trends, Ágiles Colombia, OKR Week, Scrum Day Panama, Scrum Latam Community, Play4Agile Latam, Agile Coaching Retreat, Agile 20 Reflect, Atlassian Day, and more.

Dieter Varas

Dieter Varas has more than 10 years of experience in creating products, digital services and leading multidisciplinary teams under different frameworks for industries such as: banking, insurance companies, ministries, retail, chemicals and public security institutions.

His Agile Coach and Mentor activities are complemented by his experience in teaching and supporting agile evolution processes inside and outside the software industry.

An active participant in the agile and developer community in Chile, he has participated as a speaker at national and international events such as Socrates, Agile in Chile and Kanban Day. He is currently an Agile Coach in LATAM.

Upon successfully completing this 100% practical program

You will know in detail what mentoring is and how it differs from other related disciplines such as training, coaching, and facilitation among others, which will allow you to recognize which is the most appropriate approach to accompany your clients.

You will be aware of the different levels of listening and will practice techniques to reduce the gap that may exist in your ability to listen.

You will be aware of the most relevant aspects of the coordination dynamics of actions and will be able to use various techniques to promote responsibility and avoid excuses and victimization.

You will be an emotionally intelligent and competent person with the necessary abilities to accompany individuals and teams constructively through their emotions. Moreover, you will make those moments revealing instances from an emotional standpoint.

You will be aware of the key aspects that will make you seen as a reliable and respected professional.

You will be able to establish mentoring relationships and be capable of sharing your experience effectively communicating from a clear and consistent supportive stance.

You will know and be able to manage different conversational dynamics that allow you to communicate and accompany the reflection of people seeking to promote their self-responsibility and focus on their goals.

You will be able to motivate and persuade people to step out of their comfort zone and dare to explore paths that were not within their possibilities.

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We've worked with organizations like...

Assist Card
Banco de Chile
Banco de Occidente
Swiss Medical
Banco Falabella


No. This course is not designed for you to learn agility. There are a wide variety of courses you can take where you will learn about agility. This course is specifically aimed at those who already know about agility and want to learn and develop their professional mentoring competences and apply them in an agile context.

If you are looking to learn agility, I do not recommend this course. Contact us at hola@alaimolabs.com, and we can advise you in this regard.

Certifying in Agile Mentoring Skills (AMS) has no prerequisites. However, we recommend having knowledge and experience in agility to get the most out of the spaces.

The certification is awarded by Disruption Factory, an entity that evaluates beyond what is normally assessed in a traditional certification process. Disruption Factory ensures that certified professionals have situational competences and not just purely academic ones, thus ensuring the highest industry standards.

The classes are recorded. In case you could not participate, you will be able to access these, but to successfully complete the program you must meet the attendance requirement.

You can pay online with a credit card or bank transfer.

You proceed from the "Register" button in the option that best suits your needs. Payment is made online, there you can choose the payment method and do it. If you are interested in paying by transfer or deposit, write to us after registering at hola@alaimolabs.com
Certified Agile Mentoring Skills (AMS)

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